We had a wonderful session with a young lady, Xena. Xena moved from Yorkshire, England to
Sammamish, Washington when she was 8 years old. Since then, Xena has made incredible
accomplishments. Though she is technically a senior in High School, she has been doing tandem
courses through the Running Start Student program at the Bellevue college and is set to
graduate High School with an associate degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences! Xena plans on
con’nuing her educa’on for a major in business with a minor in dance. A)erwards, she plans to
move back to England to further her educa’on and career overseas. In the mean’me, Xena
enjoys skiing, modeling, and dance compe”vely with Glasshouse Company- which includes
teaching a variety of styles to children 3-13 years old. We wish Xena all the luck and know she
will accomplish great things!